The Jipange Members were ready for the day school outreach program at St. Veronica’s community school, which is a community, based training institution located in Soweto area, Kayole location, Embakasi District, they arrived at 330pm and went straight to the class that was waiting for them
On arrival to the class the students were ready for the teachings and on the look on their face can be shown. The day’s team leader Mr. John Ogutu introduced his team and later gave a brief introduction of the organization and its mandate plus the day’s objective and activities.
Miss Juliana Olayo introduced the days training by involving the students on a discussion of who is a child, this were the suggestions from them
· Mtoto
· Child
· Kid
· Someone who’s breastfeeding
One of the answering a question. |
She later explained to the class who the child is "A child is any human being below the age of eighteen years, unless under the law applicable to the child.
Are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement, also, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people, according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory.
Children's rights
Are the human rights of children with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to the young, including their right to association with both biological parents, human identity as well as the basic needs for food, universal state-paid education, health care and criminal laws appropriate for the age and development of the child. Interpretations of children's rights range from allowing children the capacity for autonomous action to the enforcement of children being physically, mentally and emotionally free from abuse, though what constitutes "abuse" is a matter of debate. Other definitions include the rights to care and nurturing
She later asked the class to name any rights the know and it’s applicable to them
· Right to life
· Right to education
· Right to eat
· Right to move and walk
· Right not to be harassed by fellow students
Innocent, one of the Jipange Youth members, asking the kids
a question regarding the topic |
And the other team members assisted with the following
· Right to health
· Right to express yourself
· Right to parental love and care
· Right to protection
An some were explained by the other members of the team
The right to Education: every child has the right to education so that he/she can help their parents in future
The right to Expression: Every child has a right to express himself freely in whichever way he likes. Majority of children however are exploited by their elders and not allowed to express.
The right to Information: Every child has a right to know his basic rights and his position in the society. High incidence of illiteracy and ignorance among the deprived and underprivileged children prevents them from having access to information about them and their society.
The right to Nutrition: every child has the right to eat good food for his development
The right to Health & Care: When a child gets sick he/ she is entitled to get medical care no matter the religion
The right to protection from Abuse: Children should not be exploited or abused in any way possible like hard labor at home or at school or commercial sex work by their seniors
The right to protection from Neglect: Every child has a right to lead a well protected and secure life away from neglect. However, children working under exploitative and inhuman conditions get neglected badly.
The right to Development: Every child has the right to development that lets the child explore her/his full potential. Unfavorable living conditions of underprivileged children prevent them from growing in a free and uninhibited way.
The right to Recreation: Every child has a right to spend some time on recreational pursuits like sports, entertainment and hobbies to explore and develop. Majority of poor children do not get time to spend on recreational activities.
The right to Name & Nationality: Every child has a right to identify himself with a nation. A vast majority of underprivileged children are treated like commodities and exported to other countries as labour or prostitutes
Some of the Problems mostly experienced by the children
- Refugees (children make up over half of the world's refugees)
- Hazardous labor exploitation
- physical abuse
- sexual violence and exploitation
- recruitment as child soldiers
- Police abuse and arbitrary detention of street children
- Orphans and abandoned children without adequate care
- Sexual abuse and trafficking
- Lack of access to education, or substandard education
After The rights discussion, Martin Mureithi talked about responsibility accompanied by every right
Responsibility The state, quality, or fact of being responsible, something for which one is responsible; a duty, obligation, or burden.
Examples of responsibility
At Home
Helping at home in:
Washing, cleaning the house, to be sent by the parent, and respecting the parents and elders and many others
At School
They should respect the Teachers, fellow students, finish homework, and be clean at all times and to help their fellow students in the day to day work
The day’s activities ended at around 430pm with a song, national anthem and word of prayer from one of the students and the team left the school towards the Jipange resource center for the days evaluation.
Cyrus, a Jipange Youth member, together with the children during the closing prayer of the session |
Challenges experienced by the Team during the Outreach
· Transport to facilitate easy movement from the Resource center to the School situated 3 kilometers away
· The team did not have motivational gifts for the children
· The handouts on the days teaching were not available since the team wasn’t prepared
· Language significance since the students couldn’t understand some of the English terms and there were to be translated back to Kiswahili
· The team did not have refreshments (water) and some were forced to buy at the local shop since clean water is not easily available at the area
Jipange Team who spearheaded the activity
· Juliana Olayo
· John Ogutu
· Nderitu Peter
· Beryl juma
· Martha Njeri
· Sharon Mwangi
· Cyrus Njuguna
· Martin Mureithi
· Innocent Heraniah
· Willis Namenya
· George Oduor